- Solutions
The Realytics customer journey.
The keys to improving the impact
of your TV campaigns from TV to digital.
The keys to improving the impact
of your TV campaigns from TV to digital.
Did you know a consumer is exposed to approximately 1,000 ads per day?
When saying “ads”, we think of online and offline ads, not only on TV, even though these are the most important ones. At Realytics, we trace the client journey from offline to online thanks to a unique scoring technology that allow us to tell WHO are those TV viewers. Thanks to this user-centric way of thinking, we can provide you with better client knowledge and the opportunity to activate this precious data in digital.
Discover the Realytics solution through the adventurs of Matt, Marketing Director of a major automotive brand.
Why trust us?
Realytics is the only tool allowing you to discover, in real time, the impact of your TV spots, to analyse your branding and performance KPIs, and to optimise your TV campaign per the results obtained. Are performance and ROI your main concerns? Find out more about Ad Performance.
Let’s go further in digital.
As a pioneer developing algorithms identifying TV viewers, Realytics can tell you precisely who reacted the most to your TV ad. Afterwards, you can retarget them, customise your message, reach a different target… A lot of different options so you can capitalize on this captive audience, already very committed to your brand. Want to know more about that? Discover Digital Follow-up.
Tomorrow starts today with Realytics
For more than a year, our R&D team has been developing a new solution that can anticipate the performances of your campaigns on your website. This way, you can adjust you media plan before it is even launched! Want to know what tomorrow will bring? Discover Predict Impact.
And what about your brand?
Nowadays, TV really contributes to your brand image, and you can precisely measure it thanks to digital markers. This info helps you adjust your media plan, in order to be more and more performant. Brand image, reputation, fame… All of them are impacted by your TV campaign. Want to make sure your mark leaves a mark? Discover our solution Brand Effect.
facts and figures.
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