Who are the brains behind your campaigns?
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Once upon a time, in 2013, a group of friends and former colleagues teamed up and analyzed the impact of TV ads on digital. That’s how Realytics came into the world. In February, 2014, Realytics was born. Since then, the team has grown, put on some weight and flourished.
Today, Realytics, it is 40 passionnate people and 80 hands that type really fast. More precisely, it means 4 brains that think about tomorrow but mostly about the day after, 12 sets of eyes riveted on code and mathematical formula nobody understands but them, 5 sets of legs running from an appointment to another, 8 ears listening to our clients feedback, 30 fingers brainstorming day and night and writting messages.
Realytics has all that, and more!
The Realytics team.
We want you for our Team!
You know how to turn on a computer, you’re dreaming about figures and mathematical formulas, you know how to color (inside the lines), but, mostly, you love watching TV and know every commercial: we are waiting for you!