This information and the privacy statement below are for our corporate website,
Registered office address
89 boulevard Pereire
75017 Paris
Realytics capital of 18 173,42 EUROS listed on the Register of Commerce under the number 800545071.
France Publication Director
Cyrille Billon
89 boulevard Pereire
75017 Paris
Privacy statement
Our website has been declared to the CNIL, in accordance with the Law N7817 of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004 relating to data, files and liberties, under receipt number n° 1900609. Under this law, you have the right to access and rectify your information, by contacting the administrative department of Realytics : 89 boulevard Pereire, 75017 Paris France , or by email:
Terms of use
This website, accessible on this url:, is exploited in respect of the French Legislation. The use of this website is governed by the following Terms and Conditions.
Limitation of liability
The information on this site is subject to change and is as precise as possible. This website may contain misstatements, omissions or errors. If you find any of those that should result into a dysfunction, please send us an email ( and describe the nature of the problem as precisely as possible (page where you find the problem, type of computer, browser…).
When downloading a content, please be aware that it is at your own risk. Therefore, Realytics cannot be able responsible for any damage on the user’s computer or any loss of data.
Non-contractual pictures.
Personal data
Realytics collects your informations (email, message and attachment to the message) when you use the website contact form. We do not share this data with third parties. By using this website, you affirm having read, understood and agreed to those legal notices. Those can be modified any time without prior notification by Realytics. Realytics shouldn’t be held responsible for any misuse of the service.
For more information about the data we collect and how we use it, please read our Privacy Policy.
Technical data
When you connect to the site, a “log” file stores the connections made by your computer (via its IP address) to the server. These data are only used for statistical purposes. We share those statistics with our advertisers excluding individual data, to help them better understand our audience. Realytics refuses to sell its data base of emails address to third parties.
The present legal notices are governed by French law and any dispute or contestation shall fall within the jurisdiction or the court room of Realytics Headquarters (France). The language used for the settlement of any dispute should be French.
Right of access
Internet users have a right of access, of modification and suppression of their personal data. Those rights can be exercised by writing to Realytics: DPO, 89, boulevard Pereire, 75017 France, or via email:
Any personal data we collect are never sent to any third party unless it is for the proper implementation of the delivery asked by the user.
Intellectual Property
All the content of this website, including, but not limited to, pictures, texts, videos, animations, logos, gifs, sounds or icons, and their formatting, are the exclusive property of Realytics, except for brands, logos or contents belonging to partners or other third-parties.
Any reproduction, distribution, marketing or transformation of any kind without the written consent of Realytics is forbidden. Any reproduction or representation constitutes a punished counterfeiting by articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this obligation may carry civil and criminal penalties.
Should you require any authorisation or information, please contact us via email: Specific conditions are intended for press.
Web hosting
- Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited (Offre Microsoft AZURE), dont le siège social est situé à DUBLIN 18 99000 BLACKTHORN ROAD, Irlande immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de « Société étrangère n/immat.RCS » sous le numéro 419 423 728, joignable par téléphone au +353 1850 940 940.
Graphic creations
Integration and development
Contact Realytics
Realytics remains at your disposal for any comment or suggestion.
Feel free to write us at or Marketing Realytics, 89, boulevard Pereire, 75017 Paris, France.