The drive-to-web handbook
Realytics and its media experts put forward some explanations regarding the drive-to-web universe.Home » The drive-to-web handbook
Here is a little handbook filled with words that make our world so special
Like any professional, we often need to use precise words, specific to a given field. Here, it's the field of the medias, TV, marketing and digital.
Our guide puts forward the terms you will find all over our website, but also during our webinars, in the articles of our blog, in a conversation with our founders, our sales team or the entire team during an event.
We unveil here what we mean by when saying "TV-exposed viewers", "TV-committed viewers", 4-screen TV", "programmatic TV", "second screen effect", "brandformance", etc.
Learning new things has never been that smooth!
The mutation of TV
I don't have a TV but I am watching it. How come?
TV whenever I want it, wherever I want it. What does that mean?
Tomorrow, TV will be...
TV ads
Audience, are you there?
What should I know before I buy a media plan?
The measure of drive-to-web
Audience, what are you doing?
What kind of impacts can I measure in drive-to-web?
Do we measure the TV viewers' reaction only on the Internet?
Drive-to-web, sure, but to measure which metrics?
Brandformance, what's that again?
I don't have a TV but I am watching it. How come?
TV is not the flat screen in your living room anymore. Today, it is possible to catch TV shows via DTT, some boxes or even Internet. There is no need to have a TV screen, you can watch TV from a computer, a tablet or a cellphone. That's why we talk about 4-screen TV: there is the TV screen, the computer, the tablet and the cellphone.TV whenever I want it, wherever I want it. What does that mean?
With those various screens and the different services made for watching TV, we can nowadays watch TV from wherever we want and whenever we want. The most traditionnal way to watch TV is "linear", also called "direct TV": that's how we can watch a TV show at the exact moment of its diffusion. It is also possible to watch a TV show offline (thanks to many boxes or OTT), or in replay (thanks to many channels via some boxes or the website, or even again OTT). That's what we call "catch-up" or "replay" TV. Some VOL services like Youtube or Dailymotion also allow you to watch videos that are not necessarily TV shows.Tomorrow, TV will be…
Customised. And customisable. The perfect example: « programmatic TV ». That means we apply the programmatic method of purchase to the TV spots. Usually, it is a purchase on an automatic platform and according to classic markers (channel, GRP, etc.). The programmatic way of purchase allows the advertisers and their agencies to rely on more fluid process thanks to automatised purchases, optimised media plans or real-time purchases. Conclusion? A possible segmentation of the campaigns, TV spots more and more customized and targeted at the right audience, a precise retargeting...Audience, are you there?
Every day, BARB measures the audience on every TV channel in order to know the performances of each TV show. Thank to this data, it is possible to know the number of TV viewers watching every TV show, and how well a channel is doing among the others.What should I know before I buy a media plan?
First of all, the support. In TV, a spot can be shown in a advertising space (classic TV advertising), at the beginning or the end of a TV show, or in a programm trailer (sponsoring operation). You must actually know that it is possible to know the audience of your spots on all the screens in a classic advertising, but not in a sponsoring operation. What about the GRP? The GRP, or "Gross Rating Point", stands for the average audience on a specific target. For a media plan, made of different advertising screens, the sum of the GRP equals the actual number of contacts delivered on your target.Audience, what are you doing?
That is THE question. The one our clients always ask us when they want to measure the impact of their TV campaign. "Were the TV-exposed viewers responsive to my spot?", "Did they go check my website?", "Were they on their computer or their phone?". The good thing is that we can answer all those questions! (you're welcome). That's when you must realize that the "TV-exposed viewers" saw your spot, and that some of them became "TV-committed viewers" when they checked your website.What kind of impacts can I measure in drive-to-web?
There are 2 kind of impacts you can measure in drive-to-web: direct impact and indirect impact. Direct impact, also called "Direct Response TV" (DRTV), happens when a TV viewer checks your website, your app or calls your call center within minutes following the diffusion of your TV spot. Indirect impact, or "halo effect", stands for the increment of visits and KPIs generated by a campaign, days or sometimes weeks after the diffusion of a spot. It is possible to measure it by taking as a baseline the actual and regular traffic of an advertiser.Do we measure the TV viewers' reaction only on the Internet?
"Drive-to-web" stands for the TV campaigns aiming at drawing traffic on the advertiser's website. "Drive-to-app" is when the goal is to obtain the most app installs possible, and "drive-to-call" when the ultimate goal is to get the most calls to your call center.Drive-to-web, sure, but which measures to measure?
Drive-to-web does not only measure the increment of traffic on the advertiser's website. It is also possible to measure business metrics, like lead gen, acquisition costs, tunnel of conversion, etc. perfect for those who've set their minds on ROI. You can also check how a TV-committed viewer behaves on your website (bounce rate, time spent on the website...), and therefore get a better ROE.Brandformance, what's that again?
The neologism "Brandformance" comes from "Branding" and "performance". The first one would be reinforcing or maintaining the identity of a brand, when the second would place profits above everything else. But those 2 notions are complementary! Hence "Brandformance".Want to know more about us?
Case study.
AlloResto by Just Eat: Conversion rate x3 higher!
Discover how AlloResto takes fully advantage of their TV campaign and maximise their conversion rate on the digital
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